Thursday 11 February 2010

Analysing music magazine cover 1

‘Kerrang!’ is a music magazine that revolves many different sub-genres within rock. The cover consists of different information through pictures and text. The magazine title is white with a black background. These colours are opposite and the white title stands out. The title has rough edges and each capital letter touches the next. This suggests that the title is not an abbreviation but is one word. The use of capital letters places importance upon the title. The title of the magazine itself is onomatopoeia. The word ‘Kerrang!’ has no direct definition but, is a sound the sound associated with an electric guitar power chord. This itself, informs the reader that the magazine will be associated with instruments such as an electric guitar, therefore the magazine is more likely to be a rock magazine as it generally involves instruments such as the electric guitar. The exclamation mark after ‘Kerrang’ contributes to the volume of the sound Kerrang so not only do we imagine a power chord we think of a loud power chord.

Overlapping the title is the Kerrang slogan, ‘Life Is Loud’. This metaphorically suggests that Music is Life and Life is music. Loud could also refer to the volume of rock music and how it is based around the idea of loud, heavy music. The colour red stands out against both black and white. The exclamation mark after the title reinforces the idea of informality and rebelliousness. It also portrays the contents of the magazine as exciting. Above the title the word ‘exclusive’ is spelt incorrectly with an exclamation after it. Again the incorrect spelling reinforces rebelliousness. The exclamation mark enables the elements of the magazine to flow, visually. The use of alliteration within the slogan makes it easier for the reader to read it, as it is catchy. This helps the reader remember the slogan for future references. Therefore, the reader is more likely to purchase the next issue.

Magazine title is outlines in red so it stands out. The front cover informs us on the content of the magazine in both a visual and textual manner. It is evident that the magazine is a music magazine but is also based on other issues linked with musicians.
The magazine is mainly targeted at adolescents and adults because the issues on the magazine are based on ‘death, drugs and revenge’.

Furthermore, the colours used on the magazine cover are not primary colours. Three colours have been used; red, black and white and unlike, bright colours, these colours would not be used to attract an audience below the age of 13. The musicians on the magazine are young looking, so we can understand that the magazine would be aimed at young people.

The magazine’s readership consists of people that listen to rock music, and are rebellious. The use of male artists on the cover could also, be a method to attract a large number of females as they usually tend to read more magazines. The audience will also purchase the magazine because they may be interested in the personal lives of the artists. (Fans of the artists.)

The main image on the cover is of rock band: My Chemical Romance.
The artists on the cover; My Chemical Romance, are overlapping the title to suggest that this issue focuses on them. The picture is taken at a long shot which allows us to clearly see the band members. A long shot is meant to give a viewer a general sense of what’s happening. The mode of address used for the central image is direct. The image is taken as a long shot at a high angle. Because of this, we feel comfortable with the artists on the cover. This tells us that the magazine wants us to develop a personal relationship with the band.

As and audience we create a personal relationship with the artist as the image is informal and we feel as if we are able to learn more about them without having a formal relationship. We can see each band member from head to toe and we are able to analyse them properly. The picture is taken at a high angle presenting the band as vulnerable. As the audience, there is a sense of power amongst us, as we feel we are looking down on the artists. Although, the artists look vulnerable their facial expressions, body language (gestures) and clothing suggest something else. Each band member is showing attitude through these aspects. Their facial expressions bring out negativity and carelessness. They are all wearing black which suggests they belong to a group that has its own identity. The hairstyle of each band member is unique which suggests they are unique amongst themselves. The background they are standing in front of is white which contrasts with their black outfits. This enables them to stand out and links in with the idea of individuality. One of the band members is wearing sunglasses and because of this we are unable to see his eyes. Because of this we are cut off from seeing this character’s facial expressions. Therefore, he comes across as expressionless. Another aspect of body language that portrays attitude is hand gestures. One member has his arms folded, the other has his arms on his hips, and the last member has his hands in his pockets. All three of these hand gestures represent carelessness. We see that although My Chemical Romance may seem like a vulnerable, negative and rebellious band they are not.

Overlapping, the image of the band is the band name; My Chemical Romance. This is in capital letters that are not aligned. This reflects the bands personality and how they are not formal. The red stands out from the black outfits worn by the band. It helps the text on the magazine cover flow as it consists of three colours; black, red and white. The anchorage text above the band name give us misleading detail about the band; ‘DEATH, DRUGS and REVENGE’. These words are deliberately placed above the band name so we read these first. They are placed there to mislead the target audience. Our first impression of My Chemical Romance is that they are associated with these three words. All three of these words are seen as negative in society and after reading this we assume that the band is associated with these. However, below the band name we see the sentence ‘They’re Not Okay’. This refers to Death, Drugs and Revenge. After being mislead, we see the band as positive because they are against death, drugs and revenge. Again, our overall impression of the band is positive and we see that although, they may stand out and seem rebellious, they are not associated with negative behaviour mentioned above their name.

My Chemical Romance are on the front cover so we know that the magazine will revolve around them or bands that are similar to them.
Throughout the magazine cover the text used has been capitalised. This enables the cover to flow and places importance on every thing on the cover.

The band may look as if they are associated with the ‘emo’ subculture because of their dress sense and the way they present themselves on the cover. However, the anchorage text tells us different about the band, and gives us a different perspective on the band and subculture, which subverts the stereotype.

The ‘puffs’ of the magazine cover consist of band names, concert dates, band information and free items. For example, ‘Iron Maiden Vs Sharon Osbourne; It’s War!’. ‘Puffs’ such as this one, are attention grabbing pieces of information are used to interest the audience and make them want to purchase the magazine to read more about the ‘puff’. These are deliberately shortened and are left simple, so the reader gains main information without losing interest but at the same time, too much information isn’t revealed on the cover.

At the bottom of the page are three pictures of different artists. Each artist appears to be part of a certain subculture as they are not dressed according to the norm of society. The man in the first picture is topless and has a large tattoo on his right hand. The man in the second picture is wearing makeup which again, goes against the norm of society and reinforces the idea of rebelliousness. The third man is singing using a microphone and has dreadlocks which make him look unique. The microphone suggests that the magazine is a music magazine. We can see that each artist on the page is different and they’re all men. This could suggest that the magazine may consist of mainly male artists which may appeal to women. The two images on the left are larger than the image on the right. This makes it more eye catching. The pictures are highlighted through a red border. This makes it stand out and maintain the magazines theme. The use of the colour red connotes ideas of anger, passion, rage, and romance. The colour connotes more than one emotion and this could suggest that the music magazine consists of a mixture of sub-genres within rock. The colour surrounding the two pictures at the bottom is red as it is regarding free posters. ‘Free’ is written in white so it stands out against the red. As the target market we are aware, that if we purchase this magazine we will receive 2 free posters (money making scheme. me

The little image on the right hand side is smaller than the two on the left as it is less relevant. The extra details are in yellow to give them less importance. The font used on the yellow background is white. Therefore, it doesn’t stand out as much unless you pay more attention to the smaller detail. From this, we can learn that the magazine will include information on ‘K! AWARDS 2005!’ and on the band ‘Rage against the machine’. However, this information is not something we are aware of as we first see the magazine. This suggests it is less relevant. At the bottom of the page the word ‘plus’ is also yellow. This suggests that it is extra information. The use of overlapping and slanted images/text helps the magazine lose its formality and makes it interesting to look at. It also makes the magazine cover look full, so the target market assumes that the magazine will have lots of information inside, therefore it is worth purchasing.

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