Sunday 2 May 2010

Contents Page Analysis 1

The contents page uses images of different sizes adding importance to the larger central image which is based on the band; Kaiser Chiefs that will be featured in the magazine. 9 other images have been used to represent the other articles that may be available in the magazine and text has also been used to support this. It also shows an image of other magazine issues by ‘NME’ so; readers are able to subscribe to the magazine (money making technique). The contents page images are one of the most important ways a magazine attracts people. The central image is taken at a high angle making the singer of the band Kaiser Chiefs look vulnerable. This links in with the topic of him being run over.
The images have been constructed in a way where the central image is large and in the middle of the page diverting the reader’s attention towards it. The smaller images are in the corner reinforcing the fact that they additional articles within the magazine. They are aligned at the right hand side of the magazine so we know that they are all as equally important as each other. The images support the initial findings about the style of the magazine because they consist of mainly rock musicians such as Bat for Lashes, Kaiser Chiefs, Arctic Monkeys, and The Automatic. These are all indie musicians reinforcing the indie rock aspect to the magazine.

The main colour on the contents page is red. It symbolises energy, passion and excitement. It is bright and eye catching. The colour has been used for the magazine title itself and also to highlight other aspects of the contents page such as other magazine issues and heading backgrounds. This keeps an on going theme and enables the magazine page to flow. It matches the front cover which also consists of red for example, on the title block ‘NME’. Other colours such as dark blue, sky blue, orange, yellow and black and white have been used to grab the different types of people. The contents page is colourful and bright and uses mainly secondary colours. This attracts different types of people as well as makes the magazine look less specific and inviting to different types of audiences. It also creates different moods due to the different representations of each colour. For example yellow represents bliss and happiness and blue represents calmness. Black and white stripy background represents prison wear and rebelliousness reflecting rock.

The information is organised in a certain way to make it accessible to the audience. The contents of the magazine are aligned at the right hand side so the reader can clearly see the magazine contents without confusion. The contents title also states ‘this week’ above it so we are aware that the magazine issues come out weekly and that the contents at the right hand side are those that are in the current issue. The feature article topic on Ricky from Kaiser Chiefs has been highlighted as the image is the largest on the page and in the centre. The band name Kaiser Chiefs is also one of the largest forms of text so it stands out and as readers, we are immediately aware of the fact that the magazine’s main article will be on them. The three images below the Kaiser chief singer are also smaller articles as the images are smaller. On the left hand side, the index is available to break down the contents of the magazine further. At the bottom of the magazine, the image of the other issues is at the bottom so by the time the reader observes the important elements of the magazine and is already engaged in the magazine they will be encouraged to purchase other issues.

The different sections of the contents page include News, Radar, Features, Reviews, Live and Gig Guide. These headings narrow down the contents of the magazine to make the concise, important and relevant information categorized. For example, the magazine contents page uses the index at the left hand side, and certain words within the index may attract the reader’s attention in someway and will make them want to read the magazine because the magazine has an article based on those words that interest the reader. Different sections:
News: the news on the contents page includes artists such as the Arctic Monkeys and the Foo Fighters. This could attract people that want to read about something new in association with celebrities.
Radar: Includes artists such as Bat For Lashes,
Features: Includes featured artists in the magazine
Reviews: Includes reviews on musicians and recommendations
Live: Includes information on artists that go live and what it was like
Gig Guide: A guide that tells the reader about upcoming gigs related to the genre the magazine promotes.
These aspects help make it easier and each section may attract different readers. For example, there may be readers that like reading about Gig Guides or Reviews. However, there may be readers that may want to go through a combination of these sections so, the contents page has made this clear for the reader and have given them a hint of what to expect within the magazine without giving away the unexpected information on the contents page.

The promotional feature used in the magazine is the image and text at the bottom of the page referring to the other issues of the magazine. The cost ‘20P’ stands out as the rest of the sentence is yellow but this is white. The cheap price encourages the reader to read the rest of the text and possibly buy other issues. Other issues have been presented on the contents page but not the inside of them, so this grabs the reader’s attention and interests them and they want to read the magazine from the inside. Due to this method of promotion they then want to purchase more magazines and suscribe.
Also the words ‘ADDICTED TO MUSIC’ are capitalized and the word ‘addicted’ reminds the reader about the importance of music to them. The word music is in yellow so it stands out and we are aware that the magazine is a music magazine.

The magazine logo is visible on the left hand side of the page above the index as you read a sentence on a page from the top of the page and left. So, the first thing that you would look at inside the magazine at the contents page may be the Kaiser chiefs image as it is the largest, but when looking at the detail it will be the magazine logo. It is also visible on the other magazine covers promoted at the bottom to keep the constant reminder about the magazine name so it sticks in the reader’s head.
The logo isn’t obvious and dominant but it is dominant in a subliminal way. The reader will possibly look at the logo and will remember it as it appears on the page more than once, but will not pay great attention to it because of other dominating aspects such as images and text. Also, they will have already seen the magazine title on the cover. However, the use of red on the contents page constantly reminds the reader about the magazine logo as it matches it.

The brand has other magazines it produces such as other issues (as promoted below on the page). It has a website, radio, awards, TV Channel, Vintage articles (NME Originals), and sponsors tours. This makes it a popular magazine when associated with music. However, only the website is promoted on the contents page. This is to keep the contents page simpler. But, the website itself may promote other NME links such as the TV Channel.

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