Sunday 2 May 2010

Contents Page Analysis 2

The contents page for Clash magazine uses 4 images; the central image which is the background and 3 additional images on other articles that are smaller. The central image is of the lead singer of Foo Fighters. This suggests that the feature article in the magazine will also be about him. He is doing a gesture with both of his hands and is looking up. This suggests that he is fascinated by something and builds up curiosity amongst readers. Furthermore, the central image is mainly blue. The background of the image is also blue as well as the t-shirt of the artist. This enables the artists flesh to stand out (arms and face). We tend to concentrate on his facial expressions and arm gestures. Also blue represents masculinity and suggests that the band is targeted at males. The magazine is a men’s music magazine so the blue is relevant in that manner. Also the other 3 images are smaller which suggest that side articles will be based on those artists. All of those artists are a man which invites the male target audience and makes the magazine niche. The background image uses a midshot of the artist at eye level. This helps us develop a distant relationship with him and makes us focus on his upper body including his arms and face so we observe his gestures and facial expressions carefully. The other 3 images are in the corner, one on top of the other towards the bottom left. As we open a book we tend to read from the top left hand side. If we do this we see that the first thing we observe on the contents page is the central image and as we go down the 3 extra images in page order. The three extra images are less relevant than the central image so, they are further down and more aligned to the left than in the centre. They are also smaller so the central image seems more important. We also know that the articles on the three other artists are as important as one and other because the size of all three images remains constant.

The four images on the contents page support my initial findings of the magazine as my first impression was that it is a men’s magazine. Although the magazine is a British magazine it promotes contemporary male artists from other countries such as Foo Fighters. The central image is mainly blue which reinforces the idea of masculinity. The artist has a red tattoo going along both of his arms which also, gives it a grunger look often attracts men rather than women. The second small image is a close up of an artist with a blunt facial expression. This also gives the magazine a sense of attitude to it. The image is mainly black like his t shirt which also reinforces masculinity. It has been taken from a low angle which builds fear amongst readers as we feel vulnerable and the artist seems to have power over us. The third image is of two bulky topless men and one of them is bold. This is also targeted at a male audience. Lastly, the fourth image on the page is of a boy band wearing grey/black tshirts and are standing in a row. The entire band consists of male members and this reinforces the masculinity within the magazine.

The main colour used in the magazine contents page is blue. This is the background image and is the dominant colour on the magazine page. This reinforces the idea of masculinity. However, the font on top of the central image is also a shade of blue but lighter, so it stands out against the dark blue background. The uses of two blues make the magazine look like it is targeted at a male audience. White font is also used for text and a combination of blue and white has been used so, the title and additional text stand out from one and other. The use of two colours allows the magazine to specifically invite certain types of people and makes the magazine look simple and concise. This reflects the readers of the magazine as men tend to be more concise and simple rather than women who tend to read into things often.

The information is organised in an easy to read manner so it is accessible to the male audience as they tend to prefer simplicity and convenience. The main central image covers the entire contents page and the top half important part is completely visible and left empty. This allows us to focus on the main artists; Foo Fighters. The magazine is more specific as headings such as ‘Cover Feature’ inform the reader on the artist that will be featured; Foo Fighters. Also the magazine contents page sticks to four simple headings which again makes the magazine simple and to the point. The different sections are easy to access as there are four of them. The three images on the left hand side show the reader the 3 important pages out of the magazine after the feature article itself. This is done my keeping the images on the left so the reader spots it first.

The different sections include;

Cover Feature: the first section of the magazine isolated from other features and placed above them so it stands out. Other sections of the magazine have more information below them however this heading only has one thing underneath it to place importance upon that one thing. (Foo fighters in this issue)

Features: The type of artist that may be featured

Ones to watch: Artists that have been recommended by the magazine (mainly new artists)

Regulars: Regular artists or events the magazine constantly refers to in each issue

Fashion: Fashion related with music and men. It is a music and fashion magazine so giving fashion an entire section can remind the reader about this.

The different sections make the magazine easy to access as the readers can easily look at a certain heading depending on what they are interested in. Some readers may read the magazine for one section and others for another. However, there may be readers that read the magazine for more than one section and this invites a larger target audience.

The contents page does not use any major obvious promotional features but the contents page of the magazine is visible at the bottom right in small white print. This has the magazines name on it. The logo is not present but the magazine name is available on the website at the bottom. It might not be visible because the audience may already be aware of the magazine and it may already be established due to its unique layout and style which makes it stand out from other magazines.

The brand has its own website as well as awards however you cannot identify the fact that it has its own awards using the contents page. The website is visible on the bottom right of the magazine where more detail of the awards it has may be present.

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