Sunday 2 May 2010

Britney’s costume consists of underwear. it is white with pink outer layer which gives us the impression that she is feminine, innocent, and pure. However in contrast to this, she is not wearing anything and is top less. This suggests that she wants a personal, intimate relationship with the reader. Furthermore, Her pose is also, sexual as she is leaning hips outwards and upper body inwards. It suggests that she is leaning against someone. Her facial expressions show us that she is smiling and this could look inviting to the reader. She is leaning to the side and facing towards the camera from the side. This suggests that she is hiding her body but at the same time, is unafraid to reveal it. Also, because she is almost fully exposed on the cover, it is encourages the reader to purchase the magazine as their may be further exposure within the magazine in relation to information about her or physical aspects.

Britney is posing between two walls that are covered in white fabric. The fabric implies that she is is in bed and reinforces sexual connotations. The two walls that she is in between seem to trap her and this gives the reader the idea of Britney being isolated. This links in with the anchorage text ‘Britney, on Justin, that kiss and being alone.’ This could suggest that Britney was once in a sexual relationship but is now alone and isolated. The setting reinforces this. Furthermore, the uses of white walls matching her white underwear reinforce the idea of her being innocent, young, pure and angelic. It also, implies that she is like a perfect Barbie doll figure, with her blonde hair and white surrounding. However, her costume and pose contradict this.

The use of natural soft lighting makes a Britney appear more beautiful or youthful through making wrinkles and lines visible on her body. This reinforces the idea of perfection and again makes her look young, angelic and innocent. This also gives her body a natural looking glow which attracts mainly male readers.

The colour used on the image is mainly white suggestion that the artist is young, angelic and innocent. Both the colour of the image and the lighting work together to give her a youthful naïve appearance and make her look vulnerable and easy to take advantage of. This could reflect the issue within the magazine based on Britney’s relationship with Justin. The use of purple font on the magazine against the white image creates a girly look to the magazine again, reinforcing the idea that she is young.

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