Tuesday 4 May 2010

Magazine Interview

4 successful albums, 11 Grammy Awards and voted ‘Best singer alive’ by Vibe, Haylee Way talks about the problems she’s hidden under it all.

Solo Indie singer, lyricist and guitarist Haylee Way has been involved in the ‘music biz’ for 6 years. She began her career at the tender age of 16 in 2004 where the rest of the world saw her as the ‘perfect indie princess’. However, her emotional breakdown at her last appearance in the U.S, in 2009 triggered many questions amongst her fans as well as fellow music artists. Haylee now returns with the truth behind it all and tells us why she’s bigger and better…

‘I became fed up of everything, to the point where I considered killing myself.’

But, after working in the studio with King of Pop, Michael Jackson the Indie artist changed her perspective on life altogether. She claimed that ‘Suicide is the easy way out, I like challenges…’Haylee worked with singer Michael Jackson on her new album ‘Here Forever’ where both artists cover topics on their experiences with suicide and how they overcame them, aiming to inspire fans.

After 12 lengthy months of waiting, we have finally managed to bring Haylee Way to our studio today. Haylee has been sitting here, talking to other contrasting musicians about, music and life in general. She has already played 2 of her new songs on the new album on acoustic guitar. With her white floral print dress, tatty navy converses, her favourite old lime green skull candy headphones and our favourite old smile of hers, Haylee sits with us as ready to tackle any queries we send her way.

OL: This is already straight to the point, but we’ve all been dying to know why you left us a year ago. What happened on stage in the US, 2009?

Haylee: Well, believe it or not, I kind of got sick of all the attention being thrown at me from the press, fans and even other celebrities. I felt as if I had no one I could actually talk to and everyone that did talk to me had some sort of vested interest. You know, they wanted something from me. On top of it there was this pressure of trying to remain thin and maintain my appearance and that’s when the eating disorder took control.

OL: Eating Disorder?!

Haylee: Yeah, I drastically changed my diet ever week and eventually I’d throw up before concerts. That night in 2009 I just couldn’t sing half way through the song. There was this burning sensation at the back of my throat which was rather painful. I felt nauseous. That wasn’t the first time I went through one of those break downs. It all sounds so absurd.

OL: No, not at all. So…after that night, how did you sort these issues out, and how did you hide it so well the whole time?
Haylee: I got stopped focusing on music and my ‘famous side’ for a long time. I thought it would be the only way, I’d feel normal again and recognised for who I am as a person. Plus, the pressure of everything slowly died down. I knew I had to hide everything the whole time because if I showed any signs of me trying to keep up with this ideal image, it would influence my fans. That’s one thing I won’t do. I can’t be held responsible for thousands of my fans being as stupid as I was and trying to be something they’re not.

OL: Michael Jackson has also had his fair amount of problems. Has working with him influenced yours in anyway?

Haylee: Definitely! I was at this stage where I wanted to commit suicide. I thought it would be something I’d be remembered by too. But when working on some lyrics with Michael he told me about how he sees it as an easy escape route. Like chickening out of a dare. Life for me is a dare. I can go through with it and be proud. Suicide’s the easy way out. I like challenges.

OL: We hear stories of millions of girls around the world going through intense pressure of becoming this ideal image. As a role model, what would your advice be to them?

Haylee: Well, I’m just going to quote what Eminem just told me 10 minutes before this interview, because it’s really stuck in my head. ‘Be proud of who you are, and don’t let anyone tell you, you’re not beautiful’. And to add to that, I just think that everyone should look individual and that’s what makes you unique. I mean when I first got famous, that’s exactly what I was…Original. I didn’t have any kind of pressure on me and that’s when I was working at my best to be honest. As soon as I got involved in impressing the media everything messed up. Remember guys! The media’s out to get you. Besides, this magazine of course (Laughs).

OL: Great advice. Final question. You play guitar, write your own lyrics and you sing. You’re multitalented. What do you see yourself doing in the future…anything different?

Haylee: Well I’m not sure yet, this sounds crazy but I was doodling last month and I posted it up on my Myspace to see what the fans thought! They actually liked the rough comics I doodled so I’m thinking of getting better at that later on. Maybe in 3 years time. For now, I think I’m going to make up for my disappearance, and owe my fans back.

OL: Well all the best for you in the future, and we’re glad your career’s back on track and it’s all running smoothly again.

Haylee: No, thank you... I'm back in Britain, I’ve just gotten to know awesome artists like Eminem and the chocolates that were sitting in front of me tasted amazing, so I can’t really complain.

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