Tuesday 4 May 2010

Proposal and questionnaire


My music magazine does not have a specific genre as it will invite a larger target market this way. However, the layout and style of my magazine will subtly reflect a certain genre which is one of the reasons to why I will be using this questionnaire for my magazine. The target market I will be using for my magazine is 16+ as they are more independent and therefore, more likely to purchase the magazine on a regular basis.

1.) How old are you?

Under 12 [] 12-15 [] 16-20 [] 21+ []

2) Which music genres do you prefer (circle more than one)

3.) Do you purchase music magazines?
Yes [] No[]

4.) How much does your favourite one cost?
Below £1.50 [] £1.50-£2.50 [] Above £2.50 []

5.) How frequently do you think the magazine should be published? Please pick one option.
Weekly [] Every Fortnight [] Monthly []

6.) Would you prefer bands on the magazine, solo artists or both?


7.) Which one of the following freebies do you prefer most? Please pick one
Posters [] Stickers [] CD [] Badges [] Other: __________________

8.) Would you like to read about established artists, new artists or both?

9.) Which of the following names do you prefer most for the magazine? (You can choose more than one name)

Whatever [] Ripchord [] Slash [] Ooh La! []

10.) Would you like promotions and competitions in the magazine?
Yes []
No []

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