Tuesday 4 May 2010

Title Block Analysis

Kerrang! is a magazine targeted at people from 15 + that listen to rock music. It is targeted at both male and female members. This block title is suitable for the audience because of its meaning, colour of the word, ad font style used. The font used has rough unfinished edges to give it an informal look. This invites target audience consisting of rebellious people. The capitalised font enables adds to the volume of the word ‘Kerrang!’ which is an onomatopoeia representing the sound of a guitar chord. The capital letters also, help make the title look bold, clear to read and eye catching. The rough outline of the font also looks as if it has been cracked in some way representing loud rock music and its effects. The use of the exclamation mark also adds to the volume of the title and gives it an exciting tone as well as adds informality. The colour black reinforces the idea of the genre being rock, as stereotypically, subcultures such as ‘Goths’ and ‘Emo’s’ prefer the colour. Therefore, these factors invite the target audience.Rolling stone is a magazine that covers music, politics and pop culture. The magazine covers multiple genres and is mainstream. The magazine title used, helps reinforce this. By looking at the magazine title we can’t tell what genre it may be about as it is not specifically designed in a manner where it invites people that listen to certain genres.
However, by looking at the font style and colour we can tell what type of audience it attracts without looking at the genre.The use of the colour red symbolises passion, anger, energy, and heat. These representations are very different from each other which suggest that the magazine could be inviting people different types of people. The primary colour is also vibrant, bold and eye catching so it is attractive and stands out. The use of shadowing gives the magazine title block a solid look as if it is made of metal to add realism to the magazine itself.
The font used is groovy looking and isn’t straight edged and sharp with curls at some points. This makes it look like it is flowing reflecting the way music flows. Also, the use of italics make the title look like its slanting towards one side which could connote the effects of music and how it makes a person move. The font isn’t fully capitalised but the first letter of both words is capitalized which adds to the formality and we can easily see that the words are not together although they are juxtaposed.
The magazine name originates from 1960’s American Blues musician, Muddy Water’s song ‘Rollin stone’. Because the magazine name is a song itself it suggests the magazine’s main focus will be music.
The title suggests that the target audience will be adults for this magazine. However it does not specifically suggest whether they will be male or female. The title is easy and clear to read which adds to the elegance of the magazine. Because the magazine name originates from an old song, we know that only the older generation will be more likely to recognise this and therefore, it may not be for under 21’s today.Like Kerrang!, the target audience for NME is for people that are mainly into rock music. However, unlike Kerrang!, NME is more sophisticated from the way it is presented (layout) and the use of lengthy articles. This makes it more suitable for 18+. It is directed at both male and female audiences grabbing a wider target audience.
is abbreviation for New Musical Express. This immediately tells the reader that the magazine will be a music magazine consisting of modern day music. When said, NME also sounds as if it is representing the word Enemy. Not only does the magazine allow readers to discover new artists and music, but, also adds to the rebelliousness of the magazine enforced through its main promoted genre; rock. The use of 3 letters keeps the title short and snappy, so its catchy and easy to remember.
The block title is targeted at the 18+ audience and we can see this because of it
s aesthetical aspects. The use of the colour red connotes passion, anger, romance and energy. It is bright and bold and this enables it to stand out. The white outlines around the lettering helps it stand out from the black background as black and white are contrasting colours. The contrast amongst these colours could represent the contrast amongst subgenres within the magazine and diversity. The font used is formal and clear to read and the edges are sharp. This allows the magazine title to make a statement representing the statements that may be made within the magazine via the articles. The capitalization of all 3 letters allows us to see that the magazine is an abbreviation and builds up curiosity amongst readers towards what the abbreviation may actually refer to. The capital letters also add importance to all 3 letters keeping them eye catching and memorable.

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