Monday 10 May 2010

First draft contents page

According to target audience feedback, I have noted that my contents page requires many improvements.
Firstly, the background image consists of many colours and shades which makes interferes with the text on the page and makes it harder to read.
I will make the background image more simple and cut down on the colours using photoshop.
The contents of the magazine are listed with musician names and pages. However, the topics related to the musicians are not listed and this makes it less interesting for the reader as they are not aware of what articles the magazine may consist of. I will specify the topics on the final draft of my contents page.
The two images at the bottom of the page do not stand out of the background image and no caption is used. This may confuse the reader. I will make
the images are outline and have captions so the reader is aware of what they are associated with.
The quote of the main artist my magazine features is at the left hand corner of the magazine which places less importance to it. Also, the colour orange doesn't stand out well from the background image. I will change the colour of the text and reposition the quote.
The line 'Haylee...exclusive interview + free poster' is in the centre of the page on top of the artist themselves. The colour black is not bright and eye catching and I will have to change this so it stands out.

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