Sunday 2 May 2010

The Evolution Of Britney Spears

The image is taken from a high angle and is a medium-long shot of the artist. The angle the image is taken from allows is targeted at male readers as they may feel as if they are looking down at the artist. This puts the artist in a vulnerable position as if she is lying down on a bed. Furthermore, the shot captures the artist’s body parts such as her chest and thighs that sexually attract men.

Britney is wearing a black bra and baby pink dotted underwear. This gives us the impression that she is young and feminine. She is also wearing an unbuttoned school shirt which suggests that she is 17 and has taken off her shirt and has transformed into a young sex symbol. Her facial expressions are flirty and her eye brow is raised. This may be another way that she invites members of the opposite sex. She is staring straight at the camera which implies that she is confident. The issue is targeted at teenage boys and young men.

The prop used in this image is a soft telly tubby toy and a phone. As we read the title of the magazine, we can also read the props and how they are positioned in chronological order. We see that the telly tubby toy represents the young naïve innocent school girl Britney was and her transformation to a teenage girl. The phone represents the end of that transformation. The telly tubby; tinky winky, is a purple telly tubby that is very feminine representing Britney’s personality. In between the props is the school shirt she is wearing. This suggests that she has transformed from telly tubby loving infant, to school girl and now mature adult. The use of the telephone could suggest that Britney is talking on the phone like a typical teenager and the information she is revealing may be available within the magazine. This also helps increase the number of customers purchasing the magazine. The cord of the telephone goes off the cover as if it is beneath it. this encourages the readers to pick up the cover and see what Britney is talking about.
The setting used is a pink background made of satin. This suggests that Britney is lying on a bed which works with the camera angle and increases sexual tension amongst the reader and the artist. The use of satin also, adds to the feminity and sexual activeness of the artist. Satin connotes beauty, and softness which represents the artist. This also attracts the readers. The colour of the satin is hot pink which suggests that she is girly and feminine but because it isn’t baby pink we can see that it also symbolises maturity and womanhood.

The intertextual references being made refer to Britney’s transformation from child, to adolescent to young woman. This is done via the props used including her unbuttoned school shirt. The main colours used are white, hot pink and purple. These colours all represent females. The hot pink is the most visible colour used which represents maturity. The white shirt that has been ‘stripped off’ represents Britney’s innocent that she has also ‘stripped off’.

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